Create unscheduled commercial transport (UCT) claim
This video and PDF demonstrates how to create Unscheduled Commercial Transport (UCT) claims.
This video demonstration shows how to create Unscheduled Commercial Transport (UCT) claims. UCT claims can be completed by parliamentarians and MoP(S) Act employees. For this example, we are claiming as a Parliamentarian. However, the process is the same for MoP(S) Act employees.
First log into PEMS and select the Travel Expenses tile.
This opens the travel claims window.
The button to create a new Charter or Hire claim is located at the bottom of the Travel Claims screen.
Select Create Charter or Hire Claim.
This opens a Claimant Information Screen. UCT claims are always for you if you are a Parliamentarian or on behalf of someone else if you are a MOP(s) Act employee.
Different fields display depending on your selection.
If you are a MOP(s) Act employee creating the claim on behalf of someone else then select who is to be reimbursed.
For a payment to a supplier complete these additional fields.
If you cannot find the Supplier, select Request New.
If you select Reimburse to Staff then you need to select which member of staff and complete the details as before.
If the reimbursement is for a parliamentarian, enter the required information:
- Invoice Amount – that is, the total invoice amount. If there is a cost sharing arrangement in place, this will be entered in a later step.
- Invoice Number, and
- Invoice Date.
Select Save when you have finished and select OK.
This displays the Transport Details screen.
Complete the details in each of the fields. The details shown here are for this example.
If you need to add additional travel legs, select the Add Travel Leg button and repeat the process.
When you have entered in all of the travel legs, select Save.
Select OK then select Cost Sharing Arrangements and enter in any cost sharing arrangement in place.
If cost sharing arrangements are not in place, select No.
If cost sharing arrangements are in place, select Yes and complete the fields that display.
Select Save.
Select OK to continue.
Select Supporting Documentation and select the plus symbol to attach any supporting documentation for the claim including additional comments if required.
You can also use the Estimate function to provide a breakdown of total travel costs (depending on the type of claim).
Select Close to return to the claim.
Now select Review.
Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
You can Print the claim.
Edit the claim to make changes.
Estimate the amount to be paid.
Assign the claim to someone else to review or provide feedback, or Certify the claim to finalise it. If you are a MOP(S) Act employee, you will have the option to submit the claim and select your approver. For this example, select Certify.