Create a travel expense claim - staff
This video and PDF demonstrates how to create a travel expense claim for you or another staff member.
This video demonstration shows how to create a travel expense claim for you or another staff member.
First, log into PEMS and select the travel expenses tile, this opens the travel claims window.
The travel expense claim type is used to claim reimbursement of out-of-pocket travel expenses such as parking, taxis and regulated ride shares.
The button to create a new claim is located at the bottom right of the travel claim screen.
Select, create travel expense claim.
From the claimant information screen open the drop-down list and select who is the claimant.
Select create claim.
Once the claim is created, select ok.
On the next screen, enter the required expense details.
Date of the expense requires a date range, though only parking claims and car hire should span more than one day.
Select the first day of your expense, followed by the last day for claims longer than 24 hours.
If the expense was for a single day, select this day twice to confirm.
Select the expense type.
Location the expense was incurred, select this icon and choose the location from the drop-down menu.
The purpose of travel.
Enter the invoice number if available.
Invoice amount.
And any comments.
Use the plus icon to locate and attach the supporting documentation.
Select save when you have finished.
Your expense claim has now been created.
To add another expense to your claim, select the add expense item button.
Ensure you select the expense type and proceed to fill out the required fields as previously shown.
Once completed, select save.
Both expenses are now shown on your expense details screen.
The other claim options are, delete the claim before submitting if it is no longer needed, estimate the expected amount you will receive for this claim, or review the claim before sending for approval.
Select review.
Scroll to the end of the page and read and accept the terms and conditions.
If you are claiming on behalf of someone else, then you must assign the claim to that person for them to submit it for certification.
If you assign the claim to another person, you must choose who that is from the drop down.
Complete the mandatory comments field and then select ok.
You can use the manually certify option to use physical signatures for your claim and you can edit the claim to make changes to it.
Select submit.
Choose who certifies your claim from the drop-down menu.
And select ok to complete the process.
This returns you to the travel claims screen.
To update an existing draft claim which has yet to be certified use the filter feature, or sort using the claim type window, then select go.
Following certification of your claim by your parliamentarian or authorised officer IPEA will review and verify your claim in line with our published service level standards.
Payment will be received within two to three working days from verification.